
This section allows you to set different colors that are used for the various different color pickers within the shortcode options (markers, backgrounds, highlights, text, etc…)


Primary Color
Pick a primary color (default: #1a8be2)
This will be used as the primary color for certain items if no color is set in the shortcode
Info Color
Pick an info color (default: #d6c000)
When “Info” is selected in a color option dropdown, this will be the color that is used.
Success Color
Pick a success color (default: #40ba18)
When “Success” is selected in a color option dropdown, this will be the color that is used.
Warning Color
Pick a warning color (default: #fe781e)
When “Warning” is selected in a color option dropdown, this will be the color that is used.
Error Color
Pick an error color (default: #ce0c1f)
When “Error” is selected in a color option dropdown, this will be the color that is used.
Inverse Color
Pick an inverse color (default: #070707)
When “Inverse” is selected in a color option dropdown, this will be the color that is used.